Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Schlichte Eleganz neu entdeckt

Schlichte Eleganz neu entdeckt. In Zeiten des schnellen Wandels besinnen wir uns gerne wieder auf bleibende Werte wie edle Materialien und hochwertiges ...Diese Stile bleiben. Schlichte Eleganz neu entdeckt ... 2008-2009. Weitere Online-Angebote des Verlagshauses..

Sensual pleasure
Simple, yet elegant - everything is possible, provided you pay attention to material engineering and workmanship. The chairs of both Poltrona Frau agrees: Thanks to its fine, handcrafted leather-related processed seats they hold their owners - as well as the adjacent rocking ergonomic chair- a lifetime of loyalty. Each of the light diffusers "Fourteen" (Kundalini) are made of cast, inside satin glass and sparkle like oversized water drops.


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